Significance of Investigative Journalism

Student of SJMC Sem.-3rd
School of Journalism & Mass Communication

Investigative journalist is journalist who deeply investigate single topic of interest for example serious crime, political issues or corporate wrongdoing. An investigative journalist spend over a years or month on single topic to investigate and to get the full information about the issue. Practitioners sometime use term for investigative journalist as watchdog and accountability reporting. Mostly investigative journalist get hired by newspaper services, wire services and freelance journalist.  Journalist talk to wide range of sources to get course of their information of there investigations. These could be official services such as government corporate officials or representatives. The growth of media institutions in the U.S. since the 1980’s has accompanied by the massive cuts in budget of investigative Journalism. A 2002 study concluded “that investigative journalism all disappeared from the nation’s commercial airwaves”.

Let’s talk about the purpose of investigative Journalism. The purpose of investigative journalism is to provide truth to the people about the government entities , corporation house and companies who wants to keep there illegal activities secret. It’s purpose is to expose the accused for such actions that involved can be held accountable. There are six methods of investigation first is immediate action, second is to plan the investigation method , third is data collection , fourth is Data analysis , step fifth is corrective actions and sixth is reporting.  The qualities investigative journalist must have professionalism, persistence, integrity , self reliable , problem solver , courage. Books on investigative Journalism Catch and kill by Roman Farrow, The Golden Thread by Ravi Somaiya, Soul Full of coal dust by Chris Hamby.

In  my opinion investigative Journalism is fun job in which we can explore many things and get to know about any topic in detail by which we get deep knowledge and skills. Knowledge matter in terms more the anything. But we should always remember one thing in investigative Journalism while giving any information to the public we should assure that it is correct and we should check that 2-3 times to make sure this.  On the same time according to me it is risky also because when we are investigating on any topic we have to do such things like traveling from one place to another, have to take interviews information deeply. Whenever any queries arrived we have to clarify it. Sometimes we have to talk to stranger straight who we don’t about his/her background so in my opinion it is risky at that time also. What are the characteristics of investigative journalism? Characteristics of investigative journalism Investigative Reporters must have good sense of news and leads, secondly investigative journalist must be analytical and organized, He must be motivated by high journalistic ethic and morals, investigative journalist must protect his/ her sources, and investigative journalist must be patient and self-driven.