Month: March 2020

  • March 12, 2020

    Menstrual cup v/s Sanitary Napkin

    By: Reshu Hora,  BMM Student of SJMC Sem.-IVth School of Journalism & Mass Communication The matter of Feminine Hygiene has recently been enlightened in India. With movies like Padman and advertisements of the Sanitary Napkin- Pari, the problems that come with using cloth during a menstrual cycle has been widely acknowledged, and most importantly, the word Period has been accepted. Another word that comes across with it is, Menstrual Cup. Now, what is this and why are they gaining so much popularity? What are Menstrual Cups? Menstrual cups are a bell shaped object, that can be inserted in vaginal canal to collect menstrual blood. They have been around since, 1932 when L.J. Goodard patented a ‘vaginal receptable’. Nowadays, these cups are made with soft, pliable, sterilized and easy to clean medical grade materials such as silicone, rubber, latex or elastomer. Why menstrual cup? Menstrual cup has gained a lot of popularity because of its property of being reusable. They are Eco friendly products that are committed to reduce waste which is created by the plastic, non-recyclable and non- biodegradable sanitary napkins. They burst the myth that women produce larger quantity of blood usually displayed by pads and might also sometimes make your period feel non-existent since they are extremely comfortable. An average women uses over 10.000 sanitary napkins in a lifetime. Imagine the amount of waste menstrual cups can actually reduce. Is it safe? It actually reduces the chances of TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome) which is associated with disposable products. Menstrual cups collect the blood rather than absorbing it. Moreover, it serves as a little measuring cup for your period. For some women, it is difficult to insert or remove it, but the problem can be solved with education of women’s own body and insertion techniques. It has no associated infections with the...
  • March 3, 2020

    Digital Marketing and its Future

    Dad was coming home from a meeting, mom knew he would be exhausted and probably very hungry, so she decided to make something new; she simply opens YouTube and types, “Tasty and healthy Evening snacks. Now, the process to make something new might have been difficult but was the intent and recipe search difficult? This action shows how the virtual space has seeped in our lives, not as something enormous, just simply common. What once used to be matter of concern for our parents is now something that they are completely hooked to. The New Digital Media has become an E- Market Place with easier access and wide reach, creating a new platform to speculate interests, create opinions and develop new age marketing techniques. The number of job opportunities and freelancing work it has created is remarkable. Social media is itself a great addiction and with the advancement of technology, people have opened up to the idea of self employment through internet. Apps like, Zomato, Big Basket and Swiggy are making it big in the market, just because of its convenience. Facebook Pages like, Flat and Flatmates are cutting down the middle men, thereby cutting big costs. Digitalization has not just added to marketing but made it the experience rather satisfactory for the customers. 2.47 billion Population is already on this platform and it is expected to increase, which reminds us the further expansion of this space. But what is it that is influencing this population of billions? The answer lays in the jobs that have opened up recently- youtubers, bloggers, basically influencers. The sort of connectivity they create is compliant to both professional as well as personal success. Consumers no longer believe in brand made opinions, they need quality content through personal notions. These influencers cover the gap between...