By: SAKSHI SINGH, BMM Student of SJMC Sem.-3rd School of Journalism & Mass Communication The year 2020 has been a crucial year for everyone. The year was finding happiness even on your bad days. Rules changed for everyone I mean who can think of world being in a lockdown, online classes, work from home and so many more things. As time passed things started getting normal which we can refer as “New Normal” . As time passes things started getting normal like people started going office with some rules and regulations, markets started getting open but on the other hand there are students who can’t go to school and college as the time is not right yet to open school and colleges. Students are now somewhere hoping that they can go to school and college as before but somewhere they are used to online classes now. As we all know board exams are near and this time is very precious for them. The year is unusual and online preparation are somewhere hard but teachers are doing 100% and grabbing every opportunity to make the most of it. Teachers are doing there part and students are also trying to do their part. This period of time every student should the make most of it. Somewhere this is the best opportunity as students are in their houses they can focus, and can give their best of their ability. On the other hand this is a situation where students can take things lightly as the the things are restricted to online classes. Board exams are very important part of any students life as it decides their future as said but grab every opportunity that comes in your way and you can the make the most of it. And lastly, Do revisions Practice previous year question...
May 5, 2021By: Shreya Mathur, BMM Student of SJMC Sem.-3rd School of Journalism & Mass Communication In today’s world, social acceptance has become so crucial in an individual’s life that even his/her self-assessment does not hold any value. All that matters now is to be socially accepted. Wherever we saw today, in any corner of the world or in any industry, people have created their own typical stereotypes to fit in. A burning topic which is at peak nowadays which have shown clearly how the society or the so called glamour industry is making their own norms to accept a particular individual in their industry is Bollywood Nepotism, Nepotism can be defined as the act of using power or influence unethically to get the near and dear ones a good work and a good job. Nepotism in Bollywood is not a new phenomenon but something which has become a hot topic recently only when a Bollywood actress Kangna Ranaut labeled filmmaker Karan Johar the ‘FLAG BEARER’ of Nepotism in an interview. Kangana even called Karan Johar ‘snooty and intolerant’ towards outsiders who do not have any such Godfather in Film industry. It is a bitter truth of Bollywood that Nepotism has gone so far in this industry that actors who are really talented are sidelined as the first priorities are always given to the favorite ones or the star kids. And the worst part is if that outsider tries to raise his/her voice against such awful action then he/she is either suppressed or threatened in an ill manner. Many outsiders have become the victim of such actions in the industry, but who cares!!! It is also said that there is certain lobby in the B Town which is also known as the Privilege Club consisting members like who have a filmy background...
April 7, 2021By: Insha Siddiqui, BMM Student of SJMC Sem.-3rd School of Journalism & Mass Communication Back when we were young we always heard from the people that journalism is not safe for women’s, they have to do reporting at night, etc. but now this thinking has started to change in everyone’s mind because as you can see there are so many female journalists have shown the people that they are not less than anyone. Women were restricted by custom from access to the journalism profession, sometimes they face significant discrimination. “I always wanted to become a journalist but when I told my family they got scared that how can I work between so many males journalists but when time passes and they saw that there are so many women journalists have come in this field then they allowed me to study this profession”. There are some serious problems faced by the female journalists in the places while assigning Beat, Stories, and promotion for higher posts. Whatever difficulties women have faced they have never seen behind anyone, they are always one step ahead of everyone. India’s first female journalist, Vidy Munshi worked for several newspapers and magazines, including, ten years with Russy Karanjia’s Blitz. Like Vidy Munshi, there are many more female journalists who have given a new face to the journalism profession. Eg- Anjana Om Kashyap, Shweta Singh, Barkha Dutt, Nidhi Razdan, Gauri Lankesh, etc and many more has to come. We should never underestimate the power of women in any field.
April 1, 2021By: RIYA TYAGI, BMM Student of SJMC Sem.-3rd School of Journalism & Mass Communication Investigative journalist is journalist who deeply investigate single topic of interest for example serious crime, political issues or corporate wrongdoing. An investigative journalist spend over a years or month on single topic to investigate and to get the full information about the issue. Practitioners sometime use term for investigative journalist as watchdog and accountability reporting. Mostly investigative journalist get hired by newspaper services, wire services and freelance journalist. Journalist talk to wide range of sources to get course of their information of there investigations. These could be official services such as government corporate officials or representatives. The growth of media institutions in the U.S. since the 1980’s has accompanied by the massive cuts in budget of investigative Journalism. A 2002 study concluded “that investigative journalism all disappeared from the nation’s commercial airwaves”. Let’s talk about the purpose of investigative Journalism. The purpose of investigative journalism is to provide truth to the people about the government entities , corporation house and companies who wants to keep there illegal activities secret. It’s purpose is to expose the accused for such actions that involved can be held accountable. There are six methods of investigation first is immediate action, second is to plan the investigation method , third is data collection , fourth is Data analysis , step fifth is corrective actions and sixth is reporting. The qualities investigative journalist must have professionalism, persistence, integrity , self reliable , problem solver , courage. Books on investigative Journalism Catch and kill by Roman Farrow, The Golden Thread by Ravi Somaiya, Soul Full of coal dust by Chris Hamby. In my opinion investigative Journalism is fun job in which we can explore many things and get to know about any topic in detail...
March 3, 2021By: Beauty Kumari, Student of SJMC Sem.-3rd School of Journalism & Mass Communication था, भक्त सुधारक था, कवि था ज्ञानी था, परहितकारि था, हिन्दी माता के मंदिर का एक अनन्य पूजारी था! गोस्वामी तुलसीदास भारत के एक महान कवि थे। उनका जन्म शुक्ल पक्ष सप्तमि के दिन अदभुत मूल नक्षत्र में प्रयागराज के पास चित्रकूट जिले में राजापुर नामक गाँव में हुआ था। वैसे तो बच्चा माँ के गर्भ में र्नौ महीने हीं रहता है। परन्तु गोस्वामी तुलसीदास बारह महीने रहने के उपरांत जन्म लिया, और जंमते हीं बालक ने रोया नहीं बल्कि राम का नाम लिया। जिसके कारण उनका नाम रामबोला पड़ गया। उनकी हावभाव पाँच वर्ष के बालक के जैसी थी। उनकी माता हुलसी और पिता आत्माराम दोनों हिं इस अद्भुत बालक को देखकर अमंगल की आशंका से भयभीत हो उठे, और वही हुआ। जन्म के दूसरे हीं उनकी माता की मृत्यु हो गई, उसके कुछ हीं समय बाद पिता की भी मृत्यु हो गई। तब दासी चुनिया ने पाँच वर्ष तक उनकी लालन पालन की। उसके बाद उसकी भी मृत्यु हो गई, तुलसीदास अब बिलकुल अकेले पड़ गए थे। तब जगतजननी माता पार्वती ने एक ब्राहमणि का रूप धर उनका लालन पालन किया। फिर श्री आनंतानंद जी के प्रीय शिष्य श्री नरहर्यानंद जी ने उन्हें अयोध्या ले जाकर शिक्षा दीक्षा दी। फिर तुलसीदास जी काशी में शेषसनातक जी के पास रह कर पंद्रह वर्ष तक वेद-वेदांग का अध्ययन किया। फिर वे अपनी जन्मभूमि लौट आये। वहाँ एक सुंदर कन्या से विवाह किया। वे सुख पूर्वक रहने लगे। एक बार उनकी पत्नी मायके चली गई, तुलसीदास से रहा नहीं गया वे भी उनके पीछे पीछे चले गये, इसपर पत्नि ने उन्हे धिकारा और कहा मेरे हाड़-मांस कि शरीर में जितनी तुम्हारी आसक्ति है उसकी आधी अगप प्रभु में होती तो तुम्हारा उद्धार हो जाता। यह सुन उन्हें बहुत...
March 1, 2021By, Priya Bisht, BMM Student of SJMC Sem.-3rd School of Journalism & Mass Communication You see many people around you and try to copy their qualities which you find very well for yourself or for your future, It can be a way of talking, gestures or anything else. But don’t you think that you are losing yourself? I am not saying it’s bad to accept other habits but we never focus on our own habits Why? Is it that hard to appreciate yourself or you don’t want to do it. Just because you can’t see the light in yourself doesn’t mean someone else can’t see too. Remember, Life is not difficult but we make it difficult for ourselves. You just degrade yourself, you never see well in yourself. Just ask this question to yourself, ‘Why do you do that?’ We only have one brief life, if you spend it in being someone else who you’re not, then sorry you’re doing wrong. Be yourself because you know the real you better than others. Hard work is what we chase for, but try to cherish yourself too. We look others but not ourselves. One decision can change your life. If you know how to make yourself proud of what you’re then I don’t think you need to learn something else. May be you think luck is something which helps a person to become a better person with good status. But the reality is that your hard work is something that makes you a real achiever.
February 13, 2021By, PRIYA JHA Student of SJMC Sem.-3rd School of Journalism & Mass Communication Digital Journalism is one of the most appealing public mode of journalism, nowadays. It is one of the most favoured journalism in India. Digital Journalism is also known as online journalism. It is a contemporary form of journalism where editorial content is dispensed via the internet as opposed to publishing via the print or broadcast. Rampant availability of Internet act as catalyst in the growth of digital journalism. The content can be in any form of digital journalism like audio, image, video etc. People can read their favourite newspaper through digital media. Some have contended that a greater degree of creativity can be exercised with digital journalism when compared to traditional journalism and traditional media. The digital aspect may be central to the journalistic message and remains to some stretch within the creative control of the writer, editor and publisher. People can use the internet to access news and different types of events 24 hours in a day. Youtube, Facebook, Whatsapp have become life stream of people all over the world. People enhance knowledge from digital media. The process of discussing different types of news are big portion of what makes for digital journalism. Digital journalism create a unique opportunities for people by making them available with plethora of news materials and other avenues. Benefits of Digital journalism are: Online sources are able to provide quick, efficient and accurate report of breaking news in a matter of second, providing society with a Synopsis of event as they occur. Some of the disadvantage of digital journalism Fabricated content /Hoax Negative content Advertising News overload Paid subscription for daily news The journalism aims to maintain its position as a leader of cutting edge journalism research, providing a difficult forum to...
January 20, 2021By, Farheen Fatma Student of SJMC Sem.-V School of Journalism & Mass Communication A change in a weather will also change the requirements of your body and as winters are going on, so all we need to know about us what we eat to make our body fit in winters. Here is a quick list of what you should include in your winter diet: Go for the dry fruits – cashews, Almonds, dates, wallets should be a must have in your daily routine, these nuts helps your body to fight with the laziness and provide a heat in your body. Take more green vegetables – green vegetables are high in protein and vitamins specially green leafy vegetables for example spinach, green leafy vegetables are good for skin and hair also in the winter season. Increase the intake of non veg – like fish, eggs, chicken these are the great source of calcium and vitamin which helps in maintaining our immune system. Prefer more vegetables soups – ignoring the so-called fast food switch to the soups and rooted vegetables with some garlic and ginger it taste better with it. Guard yourself with Broccoli and Cauliflower – winter sickness is a hard thing to beat and the cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower can help you build a great defence against sickness. Winter is one of the best season if your body and your immune system is fit and this can be possible only when you make your winter diet wisely.
January 20, 2021By, Kirty Sinha, Student of SJMC Sem.-V School of Journalism & Mass Communication Lockdown 2020, a big title which everyone even our coming generations will remember forever. The worldwide biggest Pandemic COVID-19 has left us in such a difficult situation that we are now badly influenced by the way we work, communicate and lead our daily lives. Due to this all the non-essential businesses are shut down which lead them to incur heavy losses. While many of the sectors have shifted their work online like the IT and education sectors. But, the life of lower strata of society have been adversely affected. Their livelihood and means of earnings have been badly affected. The pandemic has created a lot of insecurities and uncertainties across the world. In a survey, it was reported that 65% people are now suffering from mental problems of feeling loneliness all the time. People are now suffering from various health issues by doing all the work from home all the time. Apart from this, the businessmen are having heavy losses which most of them do not know when they will be able to recover. Many employees who have been working tirelessly day and night are being provided half salaries by their companies. In some sectors, there is no limit of hard work the people are doing right now. But their work is not getting appreciated or getting recognition. Due to which there have been reports of suicidal cases. A report from Indian Today came few months ago that a student of 7th class, son of a farmer committed suicide because his father was not able to give him a smartphone for online classes. So, this is a pertinent question we need to think right now that is this the direction our youth will have to go in the...
June 8, 2020By, Sakshi Singh Student of SJMC Sem.-IV Though the Corona virus is an illness of the body, taking care of the mind should not be neglected during this time. From the time the corona virus has started, everyone is talking about being productive and working from their home which is really good because this situation has given everybody a chance to take a time out for themselves and spend time with their loved ones. But on the other hand, if we see the burden of work on everyone from our mothers to us is doubled I guess because in this situation everybody is doing the best of their capacity to do their work by being locked in their houses. During this pandemic, taking care of your mental health is as important and necessary as taking care of your physical health. As we all know that this whole outbreak is stressful for everyone. Most of us are in our houses and our social activities are no more available to us. Though not stressing and looking for the positive side is what we should all know and do now. For this, we can try reading new books, watching movies, exercise at home because this whole situation is unusual and might have its own advantages. We should also accept that it’s ok and fine if we are not feeling like working or doing some activities just because everyone is doing it because this outbreak has affected every individual differently. The whole world is affected by this pandemic and every individual is handling this differently and we all should know that the whole world is united and fighting against the global disease and right now we all should spend the time with our loved ones, read the books we wanted to read since...